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Breast Cancer Risk Prediction

Prevent it before it's too late!

MammoReady™ is a DNA test done to help you understand your risks of developing breast cancer and plan for a better future.

Understand your risk for breast cancer and plan for a better future

Personalized insights on lifestyle changes you need to make

IDR 4,750,000

Free shipping
Painless sample
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Free consultation
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Did you know that breast cancer early detection has a 98% survival rate?

Source: Cancer Research UK. (2020). Cancer Survival Statistics. Cancer Research UK.

What you get from
our MammoReady™ by NalaGenetics

1. uncover whic medicine (1)

Understand your risk within the next 5 years

Our clinical-grade DNA test predicts your risk of breast cancer within the next 5 years.

2. Most comprehensive genetic-based report_

Most comprehensive genetic-based report

Unveil a comprehensive genetic-based report with three key risk analyses: polygenic, clinical, and monogenic risks. With locally tailored insights, gain invaluable knowledge to make informed decisions about your future health.

Polygenic Risk Results

Polygenic Risk

The report utilizes a polygenic risk score derived from common genetic variants and provides a score that indicates the likelihood of developing the disease within the next five years.

Clinical Risk Results

Clinical Risk

We factor in clinical risk alongside genetic risk to evaluate individuals. Based on this factor, individuals are grouped into Elevated or Average risk categories.​

Hereditary Risk Results

Monogenic Risk

Certain health conditions can be influenced by various factors, such as genetic mutations. Our comprehensive report considers widely recognized genes, like BRCA1 and BRCA2, which greatly increase your risk of developing certain disease.

Personalized advice on preventive measures_ (1)

Personalized advice on preventive measures

Receive a detailed report with actionable recommendations, to help you take preventive measures and reduce your risk of developing a disease.

Further Explanation About The Report

Further Explanation About The Report

“What’s next?” steps for individuals to make informed decisions about their health and reduce the risk of developing disease.​

How does this test work?

img_Pre-test counseling (1)
Order your kit today and get confirmation via WhatsApp
img_Sample collection at home or in clinic
Collect your sample at home with our non-invasive buccal swab
img_Continuous support via mobile app
Receive your report via the
NalaGenetis app within 4-6 weeks
img_Post-test counseling
Schedule online consultation with our health professional

Need more information? Get the answers you need!

Take a look at frequently asked questions below or browse more FAQs.
What is the purpose of the MammoReady™ test?

MammoReady™ is designed to provide insights into genetic markers associated with an increased risk of developing breast cancer. It's a preliminary step to identify individuals who may benefit from further testing and is not meant to diagnose breast cancer itself.

How accurate is the MammoReady™ test?

The MammoReady™ test has demonstrated a 96.7% accuracy rate. This means that in our validation studies, the test correctly identified genetic markers related to breast cancer risk in 96.7% of cases.

Why is MammoReady™ specifically tailored for the Asian genome?

Genetic risks for diseases can vary significantly between ethnicities. MammoReady™ is specialized for the Asian genome, particularly Southeast Asian, to provide a more accurate assessment of breast cancer risk for individuals within this demographic.

What is the difference between a screening test and a diagnostic test?

Screening tests, like MammoReady™, are meant for use by asymptomatic individuals to assess their risk of developing a disease. Diagnostic tests are used to definitively diagnose or rule out disease in symptomatic individuals.

If I receive an 'elevated risk' result on the MammoReady™ test, what should I do next?

An elevated risk result indicates a higher genetic risk for breast cancer, and you should follow up with a healthcare professional for further diagnostic testing and personalized advice.

Take Control Before It's Too Late:

MammoReadyTM for a Healthier Future